
Université Paris Diderot Paris 7



Welcome to my homepage. I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University Paris Diderot and a research fellow at GERME , the economics research center of the University Paris Diderot.

My research focuses on Economic Growth Theory, Reorganization of Work, Product and Labour Market Regulation Studies.

Contact information:

Véronique Janod
Department of Economics
University Paris Diderot Paris 7- UFR GHSS
Dalle des Olympiades - Montréal building - office 202
105 rue de Tolbiac
75013 Paris - France
Phone: +33 1 57 27 72 98
Fax:     +33 1 57 27 52 85
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it







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